
Posts Tagged ‘Mike Huckabee’

How I feel about Huckabee….. 

There are a few religious candidates I feel are using religion to win votes but I don’t trust any of them, at all. I trust real Christians but I don’t trust people who say they are Christians to get ahead and use G_d’s name to achieve. I’m not just speaking of Romney I don’t trust Huckabee either…I just don’t believe him….he does not seem genuine. Do the right thing and then tell people you are a Christian….don’t bring G_d’s name into it unless you really mean what you say. Maybe he’ll prove me wrong and that’s ok. If I’m wrong I’m wrong. I know a lot of Christians will not agree with me, but look at how many times he has changed his stance on issues, look at his integrity while he was in office there are some pretty big issues that people are overlooking just because he is supposed to be a Christian and an ex-preacher. The Christianity is between him and G_d because he says he truly believes in the G_d of the bible, but his use of that to get ahead yet asking us to overlook his other issues is not sitting very good. We all know not all people who claim to be Christians are genuine people in a good place spiritually..we all struggle we all have our bad days. I’m not trying to challenge his Christianity I am questioning his believability and I don’t believe he is being genuine. With Fred he’s not using his religious beliefs to get ahead, he’s using his strengths as a leader and he says he does love G_d. I have to be able to trust and I cannot force myself to trust any of the top candidates but when Fred talks he is speaking from the heart. You may or may not like him but one cannot argue with that.

One thing is for certain, if you have Huckabee walk into a room with foreign leaders and he is representing our country and they say hello President Huckabee that not only sounds weird but he doesn’t seem like someone who could hold ground with the big boys. Now, I really like Chuck Norris and he’s supporting Huckabee and maybe if Chuck walks in with Huckabee that would be a different story.  I don’t think Chuck will be able to travel the world with Huckabee and we need a leader that can stand on his own. You put FRED in a room with the big boys and they will shake in their boots before he walks into the room, and then when he does walk into the room his reputation will match the man. He’s the only one about which I can say such a thing.

This was supposed to be about Huckabee but OK, it’s how I feel about a lot of them and a little about Fred Thompson too because he’s the one who’s different.

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